Random Acts of Brightness

http://www.randomactsofbrightness.com  I came across this website from my friend Melissa Williams and have enjoyed the beautiful mission they want to share with the world.  It is amazing when you do random acts of kindness how it can change a person's day.

After I read the website I wanted to put the idea into practice.  I do random acts of kindness but I haven't just randomly gone up and bought someone's lunch.  So the other day I went to a new restaurant TOAST here in Naples, Florida and had lunch with my friend and daughter.  I treated her to lunch and then two nice police officers walked by our table and said some kind words to my daughter.  I got up my courage and went over to their table and asked if I could buy them lunch.  They agreed, and then one of the police officers began talking to my daughter about turtles.  He said he had the largest turtles at his home.  I started thinking about my best friend June Edwards and her story she told me about a year ago of her family going to a friends house and seeing huge turtles.  She had even sent me some pictures and a video.

I asked him if he new a lady named June Edwards and he said yes they go to the same church and that Tamara Edwards her daughter had helped them in a rally and they were good friends.  It is amazing how we are all so connected.

So I hope this inspires you to go out and do your random act of brightness today.  This company is also based out of Australia so it fits perfectly with my blog.  Click on the link above to visit their site.  Have a Bright Day.
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